
Our approach to sustainability is ever evolving and improving. We are looking at every aspect of our business, from the packaging and produce we source, right down to the amount and type of paper we use. Importantly, we are also transparent. No green-washing here.

Our core business is dehydration, and in this, we have a very clear sourcing and production policy:

  • Where possible dry when fruits and vegetables are abundant and in season
  • Source seconds and imperfect produce - eg. too ugly, weather damaged, not the right size
  • Use the whole fruit or veg where possible. eg keep the skin on!
  • Upcycling lesser used parts of vegetables


Dehydrating this type of produce gives an end product that is rich in nutrients and flavour, as well as helping to minimise food waste and utilise seasonal surpluses.


On packaging, we are exploring better options and minimising where possible. Our current focus is on recyclability and clear labelling, but we are looking to move to biodegradable options. This will be our preference once effective and easily compostable solutions become more widely available in Australia.

Our UP Range

Throughout our journey as a company, we’ve looked to source produce that’s abundant and imperfect, in preference to produce which is best enjoyed fresh. We’ve worked to develop a new range that we feel really supports and communicates our sustainability mission. UP stands  for UP-cycled fruit and vegetables that are too ugly, too abundant, or just not the right size or shape. We work with various stakeholders, including local farmers, wholesalers and retailers, to save this produce from potentially being wasted. We then dry it, turning it into something delicious. Now you can enjoy the flavour, aroma and nutrients of this beautiful produce all year round, either in FruitsUP or SeasonUP

Follow Us

Come along with us as we discover newer and better ways of supporting sustainability. We’d love to hear your ideas so please feel free to reach out via  email, send us a DM on our social channels, or give us a call on 02 9648 4492. 
